executive portraits st louis | professional PR portraits

A professional corporate PR portrait has become very important to networking in your designated industry or profession.  Let us help you to create the perfect image!  We help you build strong imagery for the marketing materials needed to promote your online presence.  Professional photography which best suits your needs and your target audience.

executive portraits st louis
executive portraits st louis


Mike Haller, mikeh@hallerconcepts.com

4501 Mattis Road St Louis, MO 63128

st louis business portraits | group shot | public relations and networking images

We shoot a lot of individuals and company teams for business portraits.  We can shoot at your location or at our studio.  We also have some ideal natures settings on our studio grounds which are quite beautiful.

st louis professional business group portraits
st louis professional business group portraits

Mike Haller
St Louis Photographer

st louis business portrait

st louis missouri business portraits
st louis missouri business portraits

Business Headshot Portrait Photographs. Executive Portraits shot in studio and on location in St Louis, Missouri.

Mike Haller
St Louis Photographer

st louis professional executive portraits | public relations and networking

St Louis Executive headshot
St Louis Executive headshot for new business presentations.

The Real Adman.  Image from corporate presentation for new business.

Mike Haller, Photographer

